How To Write Email Copy That Actually Sells

Next to website copy & sales page copy, email copy is one of the best (and easiest) ways to sell your services and get more clients into your business.

If you’re not focusing on creating obsession-worthy email copy that speaks to leads like you’re their dream service provider come true, then you are MISSING OUT on all the sales you could be getting every day (with very little effort, might I add — thank you, email automations). 

So, how DO you write email copy that not only speaks to your dream clients and their needs, but sounds like YOU— not every other coach, OBM, SMM, or other service provider out there in the digital world? 

To help you get started, I’m sharing a few quick tips you can use RIGHT NOW to write memorable email copy that gets higher open rates, more clicks, and replies like “hey, I loved that last email — can we set up a call to talk about X, Y, Z?” in your inbox.


Okay, seriously though - STAHP.

When you use all caps and a sh*t ton of exclamation points in your subject lines, it feels spammy and is a HUGE indicator that your email contains a pitch. Plus, it’s likely to get you banished to peoples’ spam folders underneath retargeting emails and expired Bed, Bath, & Beyond coupons. 

Map out your strategy

Without a clear strategy, your email funnels have ZERO purpose. Start by creating a map of what each email should look like and what it should do. Determine where each email will link to (calendar booking page, website, sales page, etc.) so you can create a clear path of where subscribers should go.

Once you’ve established the goals, you can write clearer emails that tell your subscribers exactly what they need to know and what they should do next.

Tell your audience what to do!

While we’re on the topic of strategy…. I’ve found lately that SO MANY BUSINESS OWNERS send out emails that do not ask or tell subscribers what to do. Without a clear call to action, an email is just you popping in to say “hey” — which is fine, but it’s not the kind of strategic email marketing that will move your business forward.

Examples of CTAs: 

  • “Reply back and let me know if xxx worked for you” 

  • “Tell me which of these tips you’re going to try first!”

  • “Skip the waitlist and click here to save your spot in my xxx!”

Be INTERESTING & let your subscribers know you

Last I checked, there’s no written rule that says email copy has to be boring. BE YOU. If you’re quirky and out there, show that to your audience with your emails. You don’t have to be perfect to get more clients + make more $$ — you just have to show up authentically and show them what you (and your services) can do. 

Tell them something crazy that happened this week or share a funny conversation with a friend that resonates with them. If they feel connected to you, they’re more likely to choose you over another service provider.

Here’s a PERFECT example of a company taking an error on the chin while showing some humanity, personality, and a good sense of humor:


Create FIRE subject lines & preview text

Wanna know the one thing that will make me not open an email? A lame or spammy subject line. We touched on this earlier in tip #1, but subject lines (and preview text) are crucial enough that they deserve their own section. The BEST subject lines are the ones that are engaging and leave you wanting just enough to open the email and read further.

Plus, when combined with preview text that adds a little extra pizazz, you can increase your open rates and get people to start actually engaging with your emails.

Here are a few examples of great subject lines (a few of which are straight from my own inbox):

  • “What are you tolerating in your life, Jane?”

  • “Your 5-minute marketing plan for this week”

  • “How to fill up your high-level mastermind”

  • “The cure for imposter syndrome”

Write for skimmers

We’ve all heard that we should write for the skimmers. You know, the busy folks (isn’t that all of us?) who have about 30-45 seconds until our attention span skips to the next task.

The same principle should be applied to your emails. No one — and I mean NO ONE — wants to sit and read four paragraphs of long-ass sentences.

Therefore, focus on the most important info and highlight it with bold font or italics.

Write in bite-sized sentences, and use bullet points to break up sections.

For someone who truly does only have a minute to read your email, this will make it easier for them to see the value without feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of copy on their screen.

Ready for higher open rates & more sales from your email funnel copy?

Let’s do it. Together, we’ll create a unique marketing strategy — complete with fresh copy, of course! — that achieves your goals by speaking to your ideal clients who are ready to work with an expert like you!


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